4-1. Nuclear Fossils
Final Project
Collaboration with Maria Vollas
Professor: Malkit ShoshanVIS-2484 Interdisciplinary Art and Design Practices
Harvard Graduate School of Design | Spring 2020
Nuclear Fossils
Recording the Rhythms of Radioactive Geographies
Fiction storytelling ー
In the early 2020, it is the first time that used nuclear fuel are to be disposed of at the Onkalo Nuclear Plant in Finland and the waste will be contained in the ground and remain radioactive for 100,000 years. In 2100, the United Nations declares that all nuclear affected areas should be covered under soil and never be touched again until they become safe again in 102020. In 102020, Exclusion Zones are finally declared as safe. It is now permitable to go back and explore the past radioactive exclusion zones. Radioactivity and Sound are both intrusive to the material bodies. They have similar effects to any objects (living/nonliving). Sound, just like radioactivity, enters and vibrates the molecules of material bodies. After further analysis, the sound bug was interpreted to befragmented sounds preserved in their original sound forms/ qualities from the Nuclear Era [1896-2100], stored in the “Nuclear Exclusion Zones.”